Are you looking for immediate laser injury assistance?

The Laser Safety group provides safety and compliance support and training for the use of lasers. EHS holds the registration certificates for university lasers and issues permits to users.
Contact Information
Have questions about laser safety, procedures, purchasing or related? Please call or email:
- (512) 471-3511
DeWayne Holcomb
- Associate Director, Radiation and Laser Safety
- (512) 471-2038
John Snow
- Assistant Laser and Radiation Safety Officer
- (512) 471-2042
- Emjohn.snow@austin.utexas.eduail
Laser use is trending up and has doubled in the past decade. All laser purchases and laser support equipment must be reviewed by EHS. Notify your department purchasing agent if you are purchasing a laser and they will flag it in the purchasing system for EHS to review and approve.