Radiation dosimetry is used to monitor the occupational dose to ionizing radiation for certain personnel working with radioactive materials or radiation producing devices. Our dosimetry monitoring program tracks each participant’s dose history and ensures the ALARA principle (As Low As Reasonably Achievable) is being followed.
Who Needs Dosimeters?
Dosimeters are worn by personnel who may meet one of the following conditions:
- Any person likely to exceed 10% of the annual allowable limits (see chart below).
- Any person working within a high or very high radiation work area.
- Other situations as determined by the Radiation Safety Officer (RSO).
The University implements the following occupational radiation dose limits from the Texas State regulations located in 25TAC289:
Dose Definition | Dose Limit |
Total Effective Dose Equivalent (TEDE) (Whole-Body dose from external and internal sources) | 5,000 mrem/yr |
Lens Dose Equivalent (LDE) (Dose to the lens of the eye) | 15,000 mrem/yr |
Shallow Dose Equivalent (SDE) (Skin and Extremity Dose) | 50,000 mrem/yr |
Declared Pregnant Woman | 500 mrem/yr |
Dosimetry Accounts
Each Authorized User (AU) will be assigned their own dosimetry account for their personnel. Our current dosimetry provider is Landauer, who also provides electronic dose reports for all participants. All changes to Landauer accounts must be made through the Radiation Safety office. To initiate service or terminate dosimetry service, each participant will need to complete and submit the Dosimetry Service Request Form (PDF) to radstaff@austin.utexas.edu.
Badge Coordinator Role
- Designated by the AU as the Badge Coordinator
- Serve as the contact between the Radiation Safety Office and account participants.
- Ensure dosimeters, including controls, are stored in a low-background area away from high temperature environments. Improper handling and storage may lead to inaccurate personnel radiation dose readings.
- Receive replacement dosimeters, exchange, and then return the used dosimeters to Landauer at the beginning of each calendar month or quarter.
- Inform the Radiation Safety Office of any issues or changes concerning dosimetry.
- Request any changes to dosimetry accounts.
Participant Role
- Wear whole-body dosimeters at the chest unless otherwise specified.
- Wear extremity or ring dosimeters on the non-dominant hand unless dosimeters have been assigned to both hands.
- Wear ring dosimeters underneath gloves to avoid contamination.
- Do not share dosimeters.
- Store dosimeters in a low-background area away from high temperature environments. Improper handling and storage may lead to inaccurate personnel radiation dose readings.
- Do not use dosimeters to measure general area exposure, leakage radiation from a device, or personal medical exposure. The only legitimate use of the dosimeter is to monitor the personal occupational radiation dose of the assigned participant during work at UT Austin.
Dose History Records
Participants are able to check their own personal dose history by using the UT Austin Individual Dose Report Instructions (PDF). Other dosimetry records can be requested from the RSO as needed.
Pregnant Worker Declaration and Undeclaration
Pregnant radiation workers have the option to declare their pregnancy in writing and initiate the more restrictive fetal dose limits noted in the chart above. The declaration can be revoked at any time for any reason. To declare, or to undeclare, please fill out and submit the applicable form to radstaff@austin.utexas.edu:
Pregnant radiation workers may also request a consultation with the Radiation Safety Officer, or designated personnel, to discuss radiation exposure risks and dose limits to the fetus.